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When Life is Life-ing.


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

For the past two years, life has been life-ing. 

It appears that we aren't able to catch a break in recent times. For some, these hardships extend farther than the last two years. It is no secret that life has not been easy. We are still battling a global pandemic, mental and emotional exhaustion, inflation, rising gas prices, and recession (although we aren't claiming it). If I did not know better I would think that this was the end.

Things seem out of control.

But what do we do when the world seems upside down?

I have concluded that there are just some things that we can not change.

In the meantime, I try to remember the things I can control; like

1. My breath:

I have learned to slow down my breathing and measure my breaths. There are several breathing techniques out there but my favorite is box breathing. Feel free to look up this technique or try out other meditations on the Insight Timer app.

2. My time and energy:

I am learning to value my time and energy and that involves who I spend them on. My energy is sacred and so is my time. I get to control where my energy and time goes. And right now I am choosing to spend my time working on healthy relationships, with those who love and care for me deeply and are not ashamed to show it. I am choosing to spend my energy working on things that matter and will matter in the long run like my healing and working on my new book. 

3. How I treat myself:

I sometimes forget that my body is my temple and my home and it is my responsibility to treat it as such. In these unprecedented times, I am learning to treat myself well even when I do not feel good. I want to remind you that there is value in preparing yourself nutritious meals, stretching/exercising, staying hydrated, exfoliating, etc. Your body will thank you later. Trust me.

4. My thoughts

The mind is indeed a powerful thing; it will go where you allow it to go. I am learning to train my thoughts. I am forever grateful for those in my circle who always encourage me to think positively. I am seeing the effects of changing my perspective and seeing the good in ALL things. 

Photo by Chelsea Gates on Unsplash


I choose to be present in this moment. 

Although things may not seem good right now things have a way of working out for me.

I choose where my time goes and my energy flows.

I will not spread myself thin but rather I will labour in love and my labour will not be in vain.

I choose to treat my temple for what is; sacred.

I will love my body back to life and I will not accept mediocre love from anyone.

I choose what thoughts stay and grow.

I choose to tend to positive thoughts.

I am grateful for this season and the lessons that it is bringing me. 

P.S. My book baby #2 is done and almost ready to be birthed into the world. I can't wait to share it with you all. 

Thank you for reading. 


  1. That was refreshing thank you! Can't wait for the new book

  2. Indeed it all boils down to choice! Stay focused

  3. An Insightful read, made me too think of what I value in this life, looking forward to the new book and thanks for the new breathing technique.


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