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Showing posts from March, 2022

What Makes A Woman?

Photo by  Karl Magnuson  on  Unsplash  What makes a woman?  Here is a question I have been asking myself and some around me for years. I have struggled to define womanhood, and to an extent, so have those around me.  If we look back at history and compare it to the present, one thing is for sure, the definition of a woman has changed over time. The definition of a woman is no longer what it used to be. It is safe to say that the nuances of “woman” have evolved, as they should.  The pre-contemporary woman was identified by her temperament and demeanor. A good woman submitted to patriarchy, was docile and fertile. There was no place for a woman to be her person much less to take up space or have a voice.  The modern woman, on the other hand, is nothing short of revolutionary. She is strong-willed and does whatever she puts her mind to. The primitive will call her selfish but the millennials call her admirable. Photo by  Junior REIS  on  Unsplash I remember asking several women around me