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Showing posts from April, 2019

My Voice, My Pen

Many have posed this question to me in my lifetime, "why do you write?" I often pause and ponder, "is this really what I want to do?" After much deliberation and contemplation, I have only one conclusion; this is what I was born to do. I was born to write. To share my pain, my passion, my victories and triumphs with the rest of the world. This is my greatest joy yet. "When I think about myself, I almost choke" (Maya Angelou). I often find myself sharing her sentiments. It is ironic that I would call myself a writer. A paradox even. This is where my laughter often stems from. As a child I learnt to read and write a lot later than my classmates. I was always behind. The last to copy notes and the last to finish a test. I did not make much of it at my age. I just thought to myself "I was slower than everyone else". So you can only imagine the look on my elementary teacher's face when she learnt that I had graduated with honors in Engli