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Showing posts from March, 2020

Letter to Creatives

Dear Creatives, These are indeed trying times. Who would have imagined that this how we would be spending the 2020, which we so eagerly awaited? COVID - 19 has altered a lot for everyone, everywhere. We all had plans and dreams of new projects and new endeavors we hoped to embark on. Unfortunately, life can be that way sometimes; uncertain. Right now we have no idea when this uncertainty will clear up. But we must do all in our power to stay woke and not sink into depression. In this light, we as creatives should remain vigilant and ensure that we do not drown amid the panic and do our utmost to keep that creative touch burning. Following these steps may help you to remain creative. 1. Clean your space. It is imperative that we keep our work spaces clean. New energy can not flow into a cluttered space, therefore it will be difficult for you to paint that new painting, write that new song or poem which has been tugging at your heart or create that new dance routine which you